Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Adventurous, are ya?

I've always thought of myself as a spontaneous, adventurous girl. The one who wakes up in a Saturday morning and decides to visit Paris for the weekend, let's say. The one who goes travelling and loves to leave the beaten track behind and to explore little streets, climb up hills to visit long-forgotten castle ruins and have a chicken burger purchased and consumed on the street. The real fun-loving, easy-going, low maintenance girlfriend material.

a little #romance in paris...

Well, the thing is I am not sure that I am this girl at all anymore. First off, I never wake up early on a Saturday morning. Ever. If I do it is because I had one too many drink the night before and I can never sleep long with a hangover. If I have to wake up early on a Saturday morning for some reason, I am totally miserable and think that life is just unfair. So by the time I normally wake up on Saturday mornings, it is too late to go to Paris, even if the Thalys would get me there in less than 3 hours.

The chicken burger is fine, but I would love to try the local specialty in that fancy sea-view restaurant with beautiful white leather chairs and waiters in a penguin suit. The little streets are okay if am in sensible footwear, but I would much rather go home to have a shower and prepare for the fancy restaurant than walk up to the castle. It is so nice from down here, isn't it darling?

So, yeah, maybe I am not the adventurous, fun-loving girl you wish to go backpacking with through Asia. Europe, maybe, but only if we stay in private rooms instead of hostels. Listen to me, sista here ain't gonna share a dorm with 15 sweaty, overly enthusiastic menstruating female backpackers. (Sometimes you only know that they are girls because they happen to be menstruating and won't miss a chance to share their misery with the rest of the world). Sista here wants to have some private one-on-one time with her boyishly handsome travelling partner, because that is the reason why we go travelling together on the first place, isn't it? To have sex all around Europe.

Now the realization came as a shock to me. I am probably not the dream of many guys my age who are finishing their degree and dreaming about the aforementioned backpacking trips. I need someone who loves comfortable adventure, meaning clean hotel rooms, fine dining (or at least proper dining) and shopping breaks. I am by no means high-maintenance, I don't want Ritz Hilton. I just want to feel comfortable, and I am sorry to say, but that cannot be fit into a backpack.

Saturday, 27 September 2014


Although I do want to date in the near future and meet some cuties (via Tinder) to keep this blog running, I have decided to focus on myself for a little while and find happiness inside me instead of expecting happiness from someone/something else: a new pair of shoes or a gentle kisser Scotsman. Speaking merely hypothetically right now. (Tho he could use a little more tongue) (Geee' girl, happiness inside you, not in someone else's mouth!!)

Eternal Style feels fabulous

These are the steps I am going to take towards self-actualization and finding happiness:

1. Stop buying any more clothes/shoes/bags/accessories. You might feel like you need them,  (because I do, I do need a new chunky sweater, and a bucket bag would be nice so when I go out I still can look fancy but carry some comfy shoes with me) but you really don't. I am just moving out from my old place, and oh my, do I have too much stuff? It hurts to get rid of some of my old pieces, because somewhere deep I still love them but I just don't wear them anymore and won't have a space to store it meaning they have to go. This could have been easily prevented by not buying all the things I liked in the past, but I did, so now for a little while Imma stop shopping. (It already hurts)

2. Spend a lot of quality time with friends and don't dump them for a guy. A guy can wait. A guy most probably is chatting with someone else on Whatsapp (well, how else would you explain him being online so much? HOW? You don't talk that often to your friends or mother. It must be a love interest. Ah, I sound so pathetic.) so he won't get offended if you meet your friends one night instead. Friends, on the other hand, get offended if you dump them for some random guy, so don't do it. Despite common belief, friends are a girls best friend.

3. Reflect. On your day, on your week, on a certain period. Every night or every other night spend a little time on reflecting on your life: what did you enjoy, what made you happy, what made you frustrated and what do you want in the future. It helps in seeing the sunny side and keeps you sane.

4. Do stuff that you are supposed to do and do them well. Finish pending school assignments, start your thesis research and show up for classes. No excuses, just do it already!

5. Communicate. And communicate clearly. Always text if you cannot make it, let them know what you are doing. Be trustworthy and responsible. This way you avoid a lot of inner frustration.

6. Embrace the ups and accept the downs. There will always be crap days. Don't beat up yourself, you are not supposed to be cheerful 24/7. It's okay. "The best way to prepare for the future is to take care of the present. Goodbyes will always hurt a little. Photographs can never replace the act of being there. Memories, good and bad, will sometimes bring tears. And words can never perfectly describe the feelings they represent. But that's OK." (via Marc and Angel Hack Life)

Friday, 26 September 2014


I totally forgot how dating works anymore. After all, I haven't practiced in the past 4 years. So getting back out there made me realize I do not even know when it's right to have sex for the first time. As usual, I googled it and I came across the 3-date-rule and the 5-date-rule and I remembered Charlotte's 10-date-rule. I guess the truth lies somewhere between the three rules, but it's for sure that you have to try on the pants before you buy them. If you know what I mean.

Jennifer Lawrence

I'm not saying you have to try them on three times or sleep at the store, but if it happens, it happens. Just make sure NOT to want the pants too much that might fit you well, but aren't completely comfortable. And remember, leggings are no pants.

Best First Dates

Well the thing is I went out with this guy last Saturday and we are supposed to go out tomorrow as well (I hope I am not going to be stood up) but that’s not the reason why I came here today to write. I can rant any other day, but I do not have valid post ideas every day. So I have created a mental list in my little naughty head (that’s what a guy told me on Tinder. ha.) about my best dates and actually I have had some pretty great dates in the past.

15 Life Tips According To Mindy Kaling... haven't seen this show, but this makes me really want to

3. The Bronze-medal goes to the guy who I think I dated first or like early on when I reached a dating appropriate age. Well I think the date went pretty well but he never actually wanted to meet me again so I cried for like a month afterwords. The asshole! And I am even giving him a medal... Well, probably it is because it was in that sweet teenage love affair phase and the memory is just so nice. So we met in Szeged and then we went to a beer festival and I met some of his friends, and he complemented my outfit (I remember till present day I wore an off-red tank top that now I use to the gym when all my proper gym clothes are in the wash and baggy denim shorts.) I don’t actually remember more than that, I am not sure whether we kissed or not… But it was nice anyways, it was a sunny August day and my parents were away on holiday and I was just ecstatic that a guy whom I met in a club on a Saturday evening asked me out. Oh, and we also had a whole day conversation going on on MSN Messanger. Crazy, I know.

2. And the silver goes to…the guy who ruined the first 2 months of my Holland-experience, Robi. So our first date was on a particularly hot evening in July when my parents had some friends visiting so I was with them till a certain hour and then I would sneak out to meet this guy. It wasn't actually 'sneaking out' because they knew that I had gone out. On the other hand, I did have some extra kupica pálinka (shots of brandy) because I knew that the guy would come to meet me directly from a party and I did not want to be sober alone coz that’s no fun. It’s actually pretty uncomfortable. As a result I was comfortably tipsy and I met up with this guy and he came without a t-shirt on and we had a lots of fun and had some crazy tipsy conversations going on. And we even ran for God knows what reason. We definitely kissed and it was just a sweet, sweet night.

1. All right, no surprise here, the golden medal goes to…drum rolls…the policeman of my heart. [asshole] We went to the local thermal bath and the air just shizzled between us (it was a warm, but not hot late August day, just to stick to the trend of mentioning the time of the year). He pulled me closer to him, we hid in the inside pools where basically no one can see you (We did not have sex. We didn’t even make out. But we were véry close to each other) and I even met his friends there meaning he was not hiding me at all. The ending was a bit weird (well, okay then, see you soon I guess, bye) and we didn’t even make out, but still it was just such a beautiful date and he was just paying so much attention to me (not once he payed that much attention to me ever since, right now for example he dates a relative of mine, the asshole) and he actually texted me a day or two afterwords, so it was fine. (well he texted me to tell me that he didn't want to date me, but if I wanna have sex that is okay by him. See, I told ya, the guy is an asshole)